I grew up in Sørlandet, more specifically Flosta. Here is one of Northern Europe’s largest environments for boating, and I am therefore well above average interested in everything that has to do with boating and boating.
I participate in the Arendal Poker Run, and the local boat races here in Sørlandet.
I have put my love on the Tango glasses with Copper glass, which I have worn almost every single sunny day for over a year now. These are fantastic sunglasses. I use these both when I want to enjoy myself at sea at slow speeds, and when I want to drive fast in a boat. The spectacle lenses make it easy to read the waves at high speed, and the fit is so good that they stay exactly where they should be on their head, even in strong winds. Both the frame and the glasses are of very robust quality. Among other things, they have withstood a hop in the glass for over 80 knots and other careless use, and the glasses are still like new. These are without a doubt the best glasses I have had.